How to manage PECs efficiently with Rapido ECS®

Learn how an advanced PEC management tool can help your company manage the flow of certified emails centrally, securely and efficiently.

In the digital age in which we live, certified electronic mail (CEM) has become an essential tool for businesses, especially when it is necessary to ensure the legality and traceability of communications. However, effectively managing a constant flow of PEC can be complex and costly, especially for companies with a high volume of messages. In this context, the use of advanced tools such as Rapido ECS®can make a difference, enabling PECs to be managed centrally, securely and efficiently.

The benefits of a PEC management system

Rapido-ECS®is a modular platform that facilitates user collaboration and management of content and business processes.

Let's look at the benefits of using Rapido-ECS®for corporate PEC management:

Centralization. Rapido ECS®offers a unified approach to PEC management, serving as a complete email client and integrating advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to optimize the flow of communications. This means companies can now securely manage and store all their PEC communications in a single platform, simplifying message search and retrieval.

Automatic sorting thanks to Artificial Intelligence.. One of the main advantages of Rapido ECS®is the ability to automatically sort PECs according to predefined rules using artificial intelligence. Using AI, Rapido ECS can analyze message content, identify tone of voice, apply tags, and even summarize the content in a way that makes it easier to understand. This allows companies to save valuable time and allocate human resources to more meaningful tasks.

Message Classification and Prioritization. In addition to automatic sorting, Rapido ECS®can classify and prioritize messages based on importance and urgency. This means that critical communications can be identified and handled in a timely manner, ensuring that nothing is forgotten and that the most important responses are provided in a timely manner.

Automatic Assignment of Tasks. Rapido ECS®also enables automatic assignment of tasks based on the content of PECs. For example, if a message requires specific actions from specific employees, Rapido ECS®can automatically assign the appropriate tasks, ensuring rapid problem resolution and efficient workflow.

Secure storage: With Rapido ECS®, PECs are stored securely in a certified Italian data center. The software also enables protection from malware and phishing through automatic scanning of messages for suspicious content and early identification of potential threats. With advanced security protocols and constant system surveillance, Rapido ECS®ensures that sensitive information contained in PECs is protected from unauthorized access and online fraud attempts.


Using Rapido ECS®for centralized PEC management offers numerous benefits for companies of all sizes. From simplifying the communication management process to prioritizing and optimizing workflow, Rapido ECS®is a valuable investment for any company eager to improve its operational efficiency and ensure effective, regulatory-compliant communication.

Request a free demo and learn how Rapido ECS® can help you manage your PECs efficiently and securely!

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